yoga combines body and mind

Pilates versus yoga , how to decide between these two disciplines? Both very popular, they share certain similarities, among which their proven benefits on the body. Want a gentle fitness? Looking for a solution to manage stress or sleep better? Choose your discipline based on the expected benefits. Yoga, Pilates, what is it? Let’s start by briefly defining these two disciplines by going back to their origins, before focusing on their differences. Are you still hesitating? Opt for the Yogalates, a perfect compromise between the two.

What is yoga?

A global discipline, yoga combines body and mind. It aims to relax the body and the mind through a series of postures and exercises and practiced on the floor on a yoga mat and in comfortable clothes, or even on a chair at the office. The ultimate goal: regain inner harmony by learning to breathe better and manage stress. Meditation, breathing and relaxation are at the heart of the practice.

Originating in India, the discipline dates back more than 5,000 years. It is inspired by sacred or philosophical texts, tantrism and Buddhism. In India, it is originally a form of spiritual commitment, a philosophy of life including other principles such as vegetarianism. Yoga practitioners are called yogis.

Considered as an alternative medicine because of its natural benefits on the body and mind, yoga is very popular in the West. The practice is enriched and becomes accessible to all, whatever the physical condition. Today, the term yoga is used in reference to Hatha Yoga, which is only one branch among others. Kundalini Yoga, eye yoga, yoga to lose weight, yoga to sleep or to relieve back pain, the benefits are as numerous as they are varied.

With OLY Be, you can easily find yoga classes near your home or work. If you don’t have time to go to a class, many tutorials on the internet offer exercises for beginners.

Video offered: 20 min of yoga for the morning.Pilates: definition.Much more recent, the Pilates method appeared less than a century ago. Its creator is none other than Joseph Pilates, a German athlete passionate about sport and the human body. Focused on the physique, this discipline consists of a series of exercises aimed at strengthening deep muscles, improving posture and flexibility.

To design this method, the German athlete was inspired by stretching in animals, but also by ancestral practices including yoga. Supporter of the idea of ​​a healthy mind in a healthy body, he developed his technique based on precise movements.

The basic principles of the Pilates method are as follows: to regain postural balance, it is necessary to strengthen the central muscles of the body. Pilates therefore focuses on working the weakest muscles and relaxing those that are tense. During the exercises, the breath is carried out in a rhythmic manner with the movements of the body.

Pilates is for everyone, whether for maintenance or to get back in shape. Arched back? Bad positioning of the pelvis? This discipline is ideal for correcting your posture in a natural way. Pilates works the deep muscles of the body, especially the perineum and abdominals. The visible effects of Pilates are observed after a few sessions. For example, you will see your waist getting thinner.

Free video: 10 min of Pilates.yoga+pilates.Yoga and Pilates: the commonalities.Disciplines with many benefits.If we focus only on the physical aspect, yoga like Pilates promotes better posture and body awareness. Whatever the discipline, the exercises aim to release muscle tension, develop deep muscles and improve flexibility.What are the differences between Yoga and Pilates?


While Pilates only works the body, yoga focuses on the body and the mind, considering them as a whole. In each posture, the breath occupies a central place. Yoga sessions also include meditation exercises, usually at the end of class.

Work on posture is more advanced in the Pilates method. The positioning of the pelvis and the spine take center stage.

Breath control

Breathing is at the heart of both practices, but is not done in the same way. In the Pilates method, the practitioner must inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth to the rhythm of the movements performed. In yoga, breathing is done only through the nose. To promote relaxation, the emphasis is on deep breathing, or belly breathing.

The way to perform the exercises

In the Pilates method, the exercises are linked in the form of series to be repeated several times. Between these series, pause times allow the posture to be adjusted. This step is essential to check that the right muscles are working. These moments of stopping do not exist in yoga. The movements are linked without interruption, as in the Downward Facing Dog position or the Sun Salutation.

Specific accessories

Practiced on the floor, the Pilates method requires a floor mat and comfortable clothing, just like yoga. Note that there are yoga exercises that can be done in the office, without a mat or yoga clothes. This is particularly the case with yoga for the eyes or stretching the back to release tension due to prolonged sitting. To practice certain Pilates exercises , you will need specific accessories such as a ball, a magic circle, etc.

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Yogalates, an alliance of yoga and Pilates

Are you more into Pilates exercises for muscle building but you also like the alliance of body and mind through yoga? If your heart swings between these two disciplines, try Yogalates. As its name suggests, it is a halfway method, harmoniously combining yoga and Pilates exercises. It is ideal for softening and strengthening the silhouette, while letting go to find serenity in everyday life.

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